Best Paper Award for Phantom
Phantom won the best paper award at MICRO’23! Phantom shows the security implications of pre-decode speculation that is fundamental in achieving high performance.
Best BSc thesis award for Zhenrong Lang
The bachelor thesis of Zhenrong Lang on studying and generalizing the half-double effect has won a best BSc award in the department. Congratulations!
ETH medal for Daniël Trujillo
Daniël Trujillo, a recently graduated master student from the COMSEC group of Prof. Kaveh Razavi, has won an ETH medal for his thesis entitled "Racing Against the Decoder: Leaking Arbitrary Memory with Phantom Speculation and Training in Transient Execution".
Planting ideas in a computer’s head
Researchers at ETH Zurich have found a new attack on AMD computer chips in which the attacker plants an “idea” in the computer without it noticing. Using that attack, it was possible to leak data from anywhere in the computer’s memory.
Doctoral examination of Karolis Martinkus
One more member of the DISCO group receives a doctorate from ETH. Congratulations!