Stefan Gloor, former Master's student, Patrick Jattke, doctoral student, and Prof. Kaveh Razavi, head of the COMSEC (Computer Security) group, have received the Best Paper Award at the 1st Microarchitectural Security Conference last week.
ProTRR, the first principled in-DRAM mitigation against Rowhammer attacks, has been described in a paper published by Prof. Kaveh Razavi's COMSEC group. It has heavily influenced the design of follow-up work on secure mitigations in both academia and industry.
Dr. Antonio Di Maio has received an Ambizione grant from SNF for his research project "Efficient Distributed Intelligent Applications in Mobile-Network Dynamics (eDIAMOND)". Congratulations! Antonio Di Maio will start at D-ITET at the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK) on 1 September 2025.